public void open crossing clewbay( )The Sweet Trade\Wave Make:

"Drip-Event" at the Powerstation in Dallas.


Things of similar nature are in no need for harmony. For those of us who live ashore and are accustomed to the promise of orderly lives, it can be difficult to accept how unruly the ocean has become. In earlier times, people were clearer about its savagery. For most of human history, with few exceptions, the open ocean was simply a forbidden zone, a place of horrors real and imagined, that was only occasionally crossed on accidental trips downwind, dangerously, and with no way home. Most pirates- men or women- have remained unknown to history unless captured and hanged or pardoned. Also the earlier accounts have been so compromised by folklore and legend, there are often few facts to back up the stories we do have. No barrier fun.

This list is just to remind the reader that women pirates may have been few in number, but they have appeared in just every country and time when pirating was scourge on seas. I have only listed women pirates about whom we know more than just a name.

Princess Sela, Rusla, Russila and her sister Stikla, Sida Al Hurra, Jacquotte Delahaye, Madame De Fresne, Mary Harvey or Harley, Sarah Bishop, Catherine Hagerty and Charlotte Badger, Gertrude Imogene Stubbs. Artemisia, Queen teuta, Alfhild, Jeanne de Belleville, Lady Killigrew, Pretty Peg, Charlotte de Berry, Anne Bonney, Mary Read, Rachel Wall, Mary Ann Talbot, Madame Ching, Grania O'Malley.

Grania sailed up to Howth castle looking for a place to spend the night. The ship was rolling more heavily than before, compounding the discomfort caused by the head seas, and it was due to turn 25 degrees to the right at a navigational waypoint ahead, after which, with waves then coming from the far left, the rolling could be expected to increase beyond tolerable limits. The stabilizers were hydraulically powered retractable fins, like stubby wings, that extended, one per side, from pockets in the hull below the waterline. They rotated in contradiction to the ship's natural rolls, relying on dynamic pressures caused by the forward progress through the water, moving in opposite direction to one another (one up, one down) much as ailerons do on airplanes. Because of drag, their use would entail a further loss of speed. By midnight the waves were rising to twenty feet and the winds to 50 mph- conditions that matched the worst of the forecast, and were continuing to degrade. According to Jutta Rabe, plastic explosives had just been detonated. They had been set against the bow mechanisms as well as against the hull, down below the waterline on the starboard side. The bomb deters; one must deter the bomb.(In the summer of 2000, Sweden issued an arrest warrant against Rabe for violating the sanctity of the shipwreck.)

Time in its course wears away and destroys what is temporal (also, alas, very many things essentially eternal, such as poems and Greek statues, the religion of Druids, etc.). Thus there is more of eternity in the past than in the present, even all things being equal moreover; or rather, there is less of the temporal and consequently a greater proportion of eternity. For all that, at least this is much clear - history is not structured like a biography, the biography is not structured like a story, with an beginning and an end. That was "only" the effect of narrative time, the deception that had to do with the mirror, with the priority of imaginary in general; the heroic saga, the dramatic scenario, the novel, the apocalypse. But the director of this debacle - the imaginary death - loses its power to the extend that finiteness ceases being an essential factor. Generally we think of the tides as induced by the moon alone. But since the mass of the sun is nearly 27 million times that of the moon, even though the sun is about 390 times as far from the Earth as the moon is, it is evident that we shouldn't disregard the sun's contribution to the tidal forces acting on our oceans. The softening of thinking began with ideology of candor, the New Philosophers. It continued with the New Romanticists. Lifted values are emerging everywhere again, a moving dynamism, a childish religiousity in which love, too, is resprouting at the surface. For the horde it is a way to draw ranks in again at the moment of their greatest dispersion. What is striking about genuine cases of female sailors is how they were able to fool the men on board for weeks, months and in some cases for several years: Like facts, fiction refers to action, but fiction is about the act of fashioning, forming, inventing, as well as feigning or feinting. Drawn from a present participle, fiction is in a process and still at stake, not finished, still prone to falling afoul of facts, but also liable to showing something we do not yet know to be true, but will know. She articulated a vision, and a vision is meaning. Meaning is historical. Authors make up stories no one person invents myths; myths are found, recognized. The realm that is seen when myth is found, the ream of myth and fairytale, identifies human nature. Here there is no catharsis: from this forest of art, there's no escape. Notions such as site-specificity or dematerialization and the denial to commodify the work had already become myths that were used by the institutions to rejuvenate their legitimation at a historical moment when their liberal humanist public image had come under scrunity by philosophers and artists alike. Ideological struggle is not like other forms of struggle: I Am a Beautiful Monster: Poetry Prose, and Provocation.

"Have you seen her

The Connacht queen in the field?"

"All that we saw

Was the shadow under her shield."

By then it was known on the bridge that many of the passangers felt sick- a consideration, however frustrating, that generally causes ferry captains to slow their ships long before concern about hull strength comes into play.

Bea Schlingelhoff